International workshop on case studies, EcASC Valabre, Aix-en-Provence, France

23rd – 24th SEPTEMBER 2019

Project beneficiaries and experts in several fields (USAR wide area assessment, sectorization and priorization of the area affected by an emergency, Local Authorities representative, experts of maps and early warning systems) just met in France during an INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON CASE STUDIES.

The Workshop is one the paramount activities foreseen in BELICE project with the aim of drafting the first index of a Manual on ASR-1 (the first phase of an USAR assessment after an emergency). Experts from Chile, New Zealand, Spain, France, Germany, Netherlands and Italy actively discussed on the first phases of the USAR assessment and how to improve it.

The event was organized by EcASC Valabre (École d’Application de Sécurité Civile), that is the national focal point for USAR trainings in France and project beneficiary.